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Sunday 5 May 2013

Victoria sponge cupcakes

The Classical...ish 

I love eating Victoria Sponge Cake, it is a classical recipe. Jam, cream and cake and sprinkles of icing sugar on top.

I've made something similar, same taste but just a different size...Victoria Sponge cupcakes.

Victoria sponge cupcakes
(makes about 12)

For sponge cupcakes:
  • 115g butter, softened
  • 115g caster sugar
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 115g self-raising flour
For the filling:
  • 300ml whipped cream/double cream (your choice)
  • jam

  1. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 5. Line 12 cake tins with paper cases.
  2. Place the butter and sugar in a large bowl and beat together until light and fluffy, then gradually beat in the eggs.
  3. Sift in the flour and fold into the mixture.
  4. Spoon the mixture into the paper cases.
  5. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Then transfer to wire rack to cool completely. 

  1. Whisk and beat the cream with hand mixer or whisk till it forms a soft peak. 

  1. Cut the cupcakes in half.
  2. Spread a layer of cream on one of the half. Spread a layer of same on the other half.
  3. Put together and stack them on top.
  4. Dust with icing sugar for some more sweetness. 

Thursday 11 April 2013

Chinese egg tart

Chinese Egg Tart
(Makes about 12)

143g butter
1/2 egg
70g icing sugar
200g plain flour

Egg filling:
70g sugar
150ml water
2 eggs
40ml full evaporated milk

1. Mix all the pastry ingredients into dough in a big bowl.
2. Then spread some flour on the worktop and knead till everything is combined
3. Refrigerate the dough for 20 mins or until it is a workable state.
4. Boil the water and sugar in medium heat. No need to stir.
5. When the dough is ready, press the pastry into the mould. Press with tho thumbs or any other ways is comfortable for you. Tidy up the edges with your index finger, the edges should be slightly higher then the tin. Use a fork to poke some holes in the pastry so it won't rise.
6. After the sugar water has cooled completely, mix in the milk and eggs.
7. Sift the mixture.
8. Pour the filling into the tarts till it is 80% full.
9. Bake at 200C for about 15-20 mins on the middle rack.
10. use a toothpick to see if it is cooked. If it stands then your can take them out to cool, if not then cake for another 5 mins.
11. Let it cool down and take out of tin later.

 Have fun baking!!
