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Thursday 25 October 2012

Mango mochi balls

Mango Mochi recipe 芒果糯米糍食譜


This makes about 20-28 mochi balls, depends on the size you're making

- 200g glutinous rice flour
- 150g sugar
- 250ml coconut cream (coconut cream makes it smell nice and taste a bit sweeter than coconut milk) or 165ml coconut milk
- 165ml water
- 1 mango, diced
- Some shredded coconut 

1. Prepare the ingredients.

2. Turn on the cooker to medium heat and pour the water and sugar into the pot and boil till the sugar melts. (Don't forget to mix it a bit so the sugar doesn't go dark and burn.) Then pour in the coconut milk/coconut cream and cook until it boils.

I used coconut cream. It was a mistake at first because i was supposed to use coconut milk instead of coconut cream. But coconut cream still worked out well and tasted nicer than coconut milk.

Starting to boil... :D
3. Pour the flour into a mixing bowl.

4. Pour the boiled liquid (water + melted sugar + coconut cream/coconut milk) into the mixing bowl with the flour.

5. Mix the liquid and flour fairly fast until it becomes a dough-like texture. If you don't mix it fairly fast, the liquid and the flour won't combine as well.

6. Grease a STAINLESS STEEL plate with 1 or 2 drops of oil and then place the dough into the plate. If you don't have a stainless steel plate, use a plate that you can use to steam with, but if you have a stainless steel plate, i strongly recommend you to use it.

7. After placing the dough onto the plate, spread it across the plate and make it even.

8. Prepare a steamer, or pot if you don't have a steamer. Steam for about 20 minutes on high heat. Check if it is ready by poking it with a wooden skewer or chopstick. If it sticks onto your chopstick then it should be done. If you are still not sure, pick a piece and try and see if it is a bit dry when you are eating it but with a bit of moisture as well. If you think it is not ready, steam it for another few minutes.

9. Prepare a bowl or pot with ice. Then put the cooked dough with the plate on top of the ice. This cools the dough down and makes it easier to work with later.

10. Pour some shredded coconut into a bowl or plate.

11. Wear disposable plastic gloves, or use cling film if you don't have any. Tear or cut a small piece of dough and flatten it. Put a few diced mango on the centre of the flattened dough and wrap it. Try not to let the juicy mango through the dough if not it will be hard to stick. If this does happen, simply pinch a bit of the ends on each side and twist it then stick back onto the dough.

12. Put the mochi into a pool of shredded coconut, cover the mochi with shredded coconut.
If you don't like shredded coconut, just heat up some glutinous flour in the microwave for 1 minute and cover the mochi with the flour.

Some people prefer to eat it cold, if you do, then place the mochis in the fridge for 1-2 hours. You can also have it in room temperature.

Good Luck!

Jollycat xx

Saturday 14 July 2012

pink meringues with raspberry cream or blue meringues with blueberry cream

Pink meringues with raspberry cream or blue meringues with blueberry cream

  • 4 egg whites
  • Pinch of salt
  • 300g caster sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
For the raspberry cream:
  • 75g fresh or frozen raspberries
  • 2tbsp icing sugar
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • 400ml stiffly whipped cream, (measured with whipped cream)
 For the blueberry cream:
  • 75g fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 2tbsp icing sugar
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • 400ml stiffly whipped cream, (measured with whipped cream)
  1. Preheat the oven 140C/Gass mark 1. Line two baking trays with parchment paper.
  2. Place the egg whites and a pinch of salt into a large spotlessly clean bowl and whisk until soft peaks form. Gradually add the caster sugar one tablespoon at a time, whisking between each addition, until it has all been added and the meringue is satiny and forms stiff peak when the whisk lifted from the mixture.
  3. Using a large metal spoon, fold in the vanilla extract. Using a piping bag fitted with a 1.5cm nozzle or a spoon, pipe or scoop the mixture individual meringues approximately 7cm wide onto the prepared baking trays.
  4. To archive the ripple colour affect, dip a wooden or metal skewer onto your chosen food colour and swirl it through each meringue. (For my meringue, instead of using food colouring, i used a flavour colour called Pandan liquid. It is a product from Malaysia. It is green with a nice flavor.)
  5. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Test one by lifting and gently pressing on the base of the meringue - it should be crisp by giving away with a bit of pressure - that it'll crisp up more when cooling. Turn off the oven, and allow to cool in the oven with the oven door slightly open for the best results. If possible allow them to cool completely in the oven.
  6. When ready to serve, make the cream. Place the raspberries or blueberries and sugar in a food processor and whiz until smooth. Push the mixture through a sieve into a bow to remove the pips. Fold as much puree as you with through the whipped cream, leaving it rippled if you like. Place a generous tablespoon of the raspberry or blueberry cream on half of the meringue and sandwich together with another meringue. Serve any remaining puree on the side.
1) Use a very clean bowl when whisking the egg white.
2) The meringues will keep for two or three days in an airtight container unfilled, but need to be eaten within half an hour once they have been filled.

Basic Meringues



  • 4 egg whites
  • Pinch of salt
  • 300g caster sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  1. Preheat the oven 140C/Gass mark 1. Line two baking trays with parchment paper.
  2. Place the egg whites and a pinch of salt into a large spotlessly clean bowl and whisk until soft peaks form. Gradually add the caster sugar one tablespoon at a time, whisking between each addition, until it has all been added and the meringue is satiny and forms stiff peak when the whisk lifted from the mixture.
  3. Using a large metal spoon, fold in the vanilla extract. Using a piping bag fitted with a 1.5cm nozzle or a spoon, pipe or scoop the mixture individual meringues approximately 7cm wide onto the prepared baking trays.
  4. If you want you can add a ripple affect like in the picture. To archive the ripple colour affect, dip a wooden or metal skewer onto your chosen food colour and swirl it through each meringue. (For my meringue, instead of using food colouring, i used a flavour colour called Pandan liquid. It is a product from Malaysia. It is green with a nice flavor.)
  5. bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Test one by lifting and gently pressing on the base of the meringue - it should be crisp by giving away with a bit of pressure - that it'll crisp up more when cooling. Turn off the oven, and allow to cool in the oven with the oven door slightly open for the best results. If possible allow them to cool completely in the oven.
1) Use a very clean bowl when whisking the egg white.
2) The meringues will keep for two or three days in an airtight container unfilled, but need to be eaten within half an hour once they have been filled.